Bibscope example for a book reference

[Hazen2013] . The Story of Earth. The first 4.5 billion years, from stardust to living planet. Penguin Books, New York, 2013.
ISBN: 978-0-14-312364-4 (pbk.).
Note: First published by Viking Penguin, 2012.
The following code example illustrates the bibscope markup for this book reference:
<td itemscope="itemscope"
..<span itemprop="author">Robert M. Hazen</span>.
..<span itemprop="title">The Story of Earth</span>.
..<span itemprop="subtitle">The first 4.5 billion years, from stardust living planet
..<span itemprop="publisher">Penguin Books</span>,
..<span itemprop="address">New York</span>,
..<span itemprop="year">2013</span>.
..<br />
..ISBN: <span itemprop="isbn">978-0-14-312364-4</span> (pbk.).
..<br />
..Note: First published by
..<span itemprop="publisher-first">Viking Penguin</span>,
..<span itemprop="year-first">2012</span>.
Each semantically annotated text part is contained within a span element, which has an itemprop attribute that specifies the contained text. These span elements are siblings of the td element—the parent that frames and defines the microdata type. The parent's itemtype attribute identifies the microdata-structured entry as a bibscope-encoded book reference.

Vocabulary author: Axel Drefahl
Last update: January 6, 2014
Axel at ResearchGate

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