The R and
S stereodescriptors are
IUPAC-approved designations of absolute configuration at
four-coordinate (quadriligant) and six-coordinate (sexiligant)
stereogenic centers [1].
In CurlySMILES an
R/S enantiomer
is encoded by anchoring the corresponding
curly codes
{R} and {S} at stereogenic
centers of a chiral molecule.
The following examples illustrates this for two chiral molecules
(presented as Fischer projections) with one asymmetric C-atom:
A molecules with multiple asymmetric atoms is encoded in the same
way by anchoring the respective stereodescriptors at the
stereogenic-center atoms:
B. Testa:
Principles of organic stereochemistry. Marcel Dekker,
New York and Basel,
D. Hellwinkel:
Systematic Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. Springer-Verlag,
Berlin und Heidelberg, Germany,
A. Drefahl:
CurlySMILES: a chemical language
to customize and annotate encodings of molecular and
nanodevice structures.
J. Cheminf.2011, 3:1;