A historic steam locomotive in Emden: Denkmallok No. 043 903-4

Memorial locomotive in Emden

A German steam locomotive once pulling heavily loaded rail cars

Denkmallok Nr. 043 903-4 (memorial locomotive No. 043 903-4) can be explored at the central train station of the City of Emden (Emden Hauptbahnhof) in northwest Germany. Ore shipped from Scandinavia to the harbor of Emden needed to be transported to its destination in the Saarland about 300 miles south of Emden. Steam locomotives such as the one standing on the plaza in front of the train station did the job. An information panel explains that steam engine 043 903-4 performed the last regular service in 1977. Built during World War II in 1943, it was able to pull up to 50 rail cars with a mass of 2,000 tons. Its maximum speed was 80 km/h (50 mph).

The locomotive was placed at its current memorial site on December 13, 1980. It was originally fueled by coal and from 1960 until its last days of service by heavy oil.

The German word for locomotive is Lokomotive, often abbreviated to Lok (pronounced like lock). In composition with the German word Denkmal for memorial, the German term Denkmallok is derived for memorial locomotive.
Visiting Emden
Denkmallok 043 903-4
Last German steam locomotive
Wikipedia: Emden