Little Washoe Lake and
Washoe Lake
are shallow lakes located between the
Carson Range and
Virginia Range.
The lake bodies and surrounding wetlands provide a home for
diverse wildlife in the frequently wind-plagued
Washoe Valley.
Water-loving plants growing around the Washoe Lakes—including cattail,
bulrush and willow—were harvested by Washoe Indians to
make baskets. Locals and visitors come to recreate at
Little Washoe Lake.
Boating, fishing,
beachcombing and
hiking are common activities.
Unfortunalety, lake fish keeps containing high levels of mercury, as a
“Health Advisory” panel warns, and should not be eaten.
An east-side lake trail connects the northeast parking area with the
Scripps Parking Area and nearby spots of
Washoe Lake State Park.
Everywhere along this path you will have spectacular views of
Slide Mountain and other peaks of the
Carson Range, which
feeds the Washoe Lakes with water.