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ThermoML Scout

Find ThermoML documents for chemical engineering, research & modeling

ThermoML Scout searches for articles and corresponding XML files containing physicochemical property data in ThermoML format—a IUPAC standard. Search results are presented as a list of ranked references, providing instant access to respective ThermoML files in the ThermoML Data Archive.

Example query with a keyword and a phrase

viscosity "binary mixture"

This query matches articles that have the word “viscosity” and the phrase “binary mixture” both in their title.

Example query with a molecular-formula flag, a keyword and a phrase

@mf{str=C2H6O} mixture "ionic liquid"

This query matches articles whose corresponding XML file contains data for compounds with formula “C2H6O” (for example, ethanol or dimethyl ether) and whose title includes the terms “mixture” and “ionic liquid”.

The two examples above demonstrate the three types of query terms compatible with ThermoML Scout search:
  • field flag using the format @flag-name{key=value};
  • keyword, a sequence of characters without white space;
  • phrase, a sequence of words enclosed in quotation marks.
Keywords and phrases are matched against article titles. Field flags can additionally or singly be used to identify articles whose associated ThermoML file encodes particular bibliographic or chemical information—including author names, article keywords and chemical compound identifiers.